Happy Writesgiving!

It is a time to be thankful. 

To be joyful. 

To celebrate. 

To count. 

Counting blessings that have joined us. The blessing of the seeds we together sowed in hopes of reaping friendships, knowledge, and a new perspective on life. 

Today and everyday we celebrate Writesgiving

Writers coming together in collaboration to build, inspire, and share. We have traveled a long road. Gone through Write of Passage. Celebrating victories and sharing struggles. 

But everyday we stand together in this battle against writer's block and imposter syndrome. Knowing that we are not in this battle alone. Instead, facing those challenges together, with the support of a community that understands our struggles. 

Taking one step at a time. One step closer to the top of that mountain.

Writers, our mission is about sharing. Allowing others to get a glimpse of what is in our minds. Thinking more about giving to the world we are in. Giving support to our fellow writers. Coming together as a community that stands stronger together than flying solo. 

Together, we conquer writing. We lift each other’s spirits in preparation for the next blank page we have to wage battle in. We support each other in our own worlds. We ignite each other in our own infinite interests. 

Together we appreciate these differences that, in our multitudes, make us strong. 

As we come together, we’ve finished the first stage of this journey, that seems only the beginning, I want to thank each and every one of you for this time.

I have been transformed by this process, as only other writers will understand. 

For this, I am forever grateful.

Happy Writesgiving!


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