Hope Dominos


Hope dominos can be played everyday. Our behaviors and decisions stand as a piece in a domino chain. 

Waiting to be pushed.


Independent from each other, but firm. 

We are living in times of disconnectedness and loss of meaning. Not knowing why we do what we do. Lacking understanding of why things happen and how they happen. 

Finding purpose has become harder than mining bitcoin.  

Hope comes in believing that what you are deciding is something good. Hope brings magic into life, looking forward to goodness. 

Hope can get you out of a negative situation and enable you to envision a better future. 

The hope domino effect only happens when you give the first piece an initial push: taking a step of faith. Piece by piece they can activate each other. Every decision, every action affecting in a hopeful way. In hopes for a prosperous future, a healthy life, or loving relationship.

Having faith is oftentimes connected to spiritual faith. However, having faith is having complete trust or confidence in something. Faith involves steps. Moving forward. 

Martin Luther King, Jr. was right by saying “we must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”

May the hope domino effect bring shine to your eyes, glow to your face, and warmth to your heart. May each step you take unbundle a hope domino effect in your life and those around you. 

Have faith, have hope, keep walking!


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